Module Matrix/Details:
"IN THE AIR" (40k pdf)
K-3 Education Module
(the entire module as a zipped archive - 3.5 MB)
Individual Activities:

K-3 Education Module
Module Overview
By preparing and viewing a puppet show, students learn how air gets dirty and that we can have cleaner air if everyone helps make it so. Three Connecting Activities are associated with the puppet show to demonstrate simple facts about air pollution and pollution prevention. Everyone --even young children-- can help make the air cleaner by being informed and by making personal choices that result in cleaner air. Students from higher grades are recruited to present the puppet show, providing opportunities for students of different ages to interact. The upbeat, sometimes whimsical, script is designed to make the necessary points about air pollution without causing anxiety in young minds. The script also allows the audience to interact with the show at various times. Suggestions for making puppets, theaters, scenery, and props are included.
Module Goals
- To present basic facts about air pollution to young children in ways that avoid causing
undue anxiety
- To emphasize that having clean air is everyone’s responsibility
- To assure students that something can be done to clean up dirty air, and that they
can help
Module Objectives
At the completion of this module, students will be able to do the following:
- Name two things people do everyday that makes the air dirty.
- State two actions they can personally take to help make the air cleaner.
- Tell why having clean air is important to people who have breathing problems such
as asthma.
- Relate that pollutants may or may not be easy to detect by our human senses.
These modules are provided in Adobe pdf format. 
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