Module Matrix/Details:
"IN THE AIR" (40k pdf)
3-6 Education Module (the entire module as a zipped archive - 3.9 MB)
Individual Activities:

3-6 Education Module
Module Overview
In this module students will explore the issue of airborne toxics, their sources within our communities, and the simple steps people can take to protect the quality of our air. A multidisciplinary approach is used throughout this module as well as various pedagogical methods for analyzing air quality problems and conditions. This module includes a Core Activity, three complete Connecting Activities that explore specific themes in greater depth, many suggested extensions, and background information.
Module Theme
Air pollution is a large and complex problem that negatively affects human health and degrades the environment. Throughout the module, emphasis is placed on the student’s personal experience and personal actions that are reasonable for them to take to improve air quality.
Module Goals
- To remove misperceptions about air pollution and to demonstrate that
sources of airborne toxics
- To explore the idea of health risks posed by air pollutants and to do familiar context• To provide basic information about airborne toxics essential for carrying
in this module
- To provide scientific background needed to understand the relationships
personal choices and impacts on the environment and human health
- To raise students’ awareness about airborne toxics in ways that will
protect human health
Module Objectives
At the completion of this module, students will be able to do the following:
- Name the three categories of air pollution sources and give an example
- Compare and contrast common activities that create or avoid creating
- Identify a toxic as a substance that can harm human health.
- Describe the factors that contribute to risk from airborne toxics.
- Recognize how personal actions can reduce his/her exposure to airborne
- Describe how an air pollutant can also pollute land and water.
These modules are provided in Adobe pdf format. 
Zipped archives can be expanded with the free Stuffit Expander (Windows - Mac)